Stop the Slaughter!

Thousands of horses every year all over the world are taken in for slaughter!!!  Doing this to them is just plain CRUEL!!!  It is useless!!  I know that some countries enjoy horse meat as a delicacy, and I respect that, even if I don't agree with it.  To me, slaughtering horses is just like killing your pet, your BEST FRIEND, YOUR FAMILY!!!  Please help me stop horse slaughter at least here in the USA!!


           ~*♥*~ Mngt.

Horses, and how the get to slaughter houses...

Horses are transported to slaughter houses in very inhumane ways.  To go to the slaughter house, horses are carted away in dirty, unapproved trailers.  They stand up for hours on end, no time to rest. Some are dead before they even reach the slaughter house because of lack of food, water, and proper care.

How horses are slaughtered...

In some places, the horses are shot throught the head...and that's the "NICE" way!  In other places they tap their spine the paralyze them.  Then they hang them upside down, run a DEADBOLT through their head, and then slit the throat!!  Just thinking about it makes me physically SICK!!  In Spain and Mexico, they stab them till death!!

Examples of Horse Slaughter in all is Cruelty...

HOW COULD YOU?!?  Look at this!!  How anyone could treat any horse like this is beyond my knowledge!!!  This is just like MURDERING YOUR BEST FRIEND!!!  If you love dogs, its like MURDERING your golden retriever (or whichever breed you have), if you love cats, its like MURDERING your persian, or siamese (or whichever you have)!!!!  Ask yourself, and JOIN THE CAUSE!!!

Stop the Slaughter Ribbon...

Feel free to take any of these pictures and put them on your own website!  People NEED to know the horrors they inflict on innocent and helpless, lovable animals!!  Help us STOP THE SLAUGHTER!!!